Tip #71 #71 Key Presentations For Invisible Fish #3
Key Presentations For Invisible Fish #3 By Capt. Jim Hirt Day to day anglers are looking for more action. This past season we came up with a system that increased our numbers dramatically. When you are looking for fish suspended in open water this technique will put more fish in the cooler. Fish locators never tell the complete story. The cone of the transducer will not show shallow fish. Most anglers will not work tackle for fish they cannot see. A proven fact is, when motor trolling, shallow fish go around the boat to avoid the turbulence and noise. The challenge of the elements. Please let us continue with presentations for deeper than fifty feet. Article #1 and #2 of this series explained a dynamite answer for fish in the top fifty feet. Reread these articles if you can. On Lake Michigan and many large lakes the cold water is always available. Wind and currents move it up or down to create the constant challenge of finding the location of your target species preferred temperature. When you find a temperature break below fifty feet, that is the time to present your fishing spoons on copper wire fishing line. You could use longer leadcore lines, however, the amount of line and the time it takes to retrieve them becomes a laborious task and not much fun. Stealth below fifty feet You made your temperature check. The fifty two degree water preferred by Chinook salmon is at fifty five feet. In this situation when fishing midday downriggers may not work. The waters of Lake Michigan are very clear and light penetrates down and this turns fish off. This scenario is common in waters everywhere. The answer to consistent action in these tough conditions is fishing copper wire in a stealth presentation. If you don't fish salmon this same system will work on all species. The why and how of copper line fishing The most expensive part is the reel. It must have enough line capacity to handle the copper line plus Seaguar fluorocarbon and Power Pro 50 pound for a total of up to 400 yards. Forty five pound copper wire is very bulky and requires a large reel. I run my copper on a reel that will hold 530 yards of 25 pound test mono. Line counter reels are not necessary. Forty five pound copper sinks at a rate of 7 to 9 feet per 30 feet of line at two miles per hour boat speed. Three hundred feet will run about 80 feet deep. By working with these numbers you can get any depth you target. When loading this reel, start with 300 yards of Power Pro 50 pound then use an Albright knot to the copper and Albright knot to 30 feet of 20-pound Seaguar fluorocarbon to a ball bearing cross lock snap. You will need a heavy action 8 to 9 foot rod to work with copper line. You must run this with a planer board if you are going to use multiple set ups. Snap on your favorite spoon (the Vulcan or Reaper from Badger Tackle is a consistent producer for me) and let out all of the line to the Power Pro. Then install your board so it does not release. I usually run three or more boards off each side of the boat. Very wide turns and low boat traffic are a must to avoid tangles and getting ran over. I set my drags light. When the reel starts to scream, adjust the drag as necessary. Reel in the line until you can reach the board and hand release it. Now the line is clear to bring in the fish. Some of my biggest fish are caught on this presentation. You may find the lures discussed in this article at http://www.badgertackle.com Good Luck let's go fishing!! Come back to this Website often to read all my articles. Jim charters out of Milwaukee, WI. with Blue Max Charters. He can be reached at 414-828-1094. Summer I will be out on the lake fighting fish, however, I would appreciate a call over winter to chat about whatever questions you may have or just call and say hello. You may also visit my web site at http://www.bluemaxcharters.com Copyright© 2008, James J. Hirt, All Rights Reserved.